The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Eating right, exercising, and sleeping well are all very important in the prevention of infections and diseases, but equally important is a good sense of self, a loving support network, and the potential for continued personal growth.

Many of us are not in control of the factors that cause us to become ill – whether they be genetic, environmental, or something else entirely. And too many of us do not really know how to take care of ourselves; instead we rely on doctors to “cure us.” There are many avenues we can take to improving our health; natural therapies, and both traditional and modern medicines.

But the playing field is not level, and most people cannot access or afford proper health care. Knowledge of healthy sanitation and hygiene practices and preventable diseases should be fundamental, but health education is not a given [awkwardly put] . Many people are disenfranchised because of poverty, geographic location, disability, or social stigma against certain behaviors, illnesses and diseases. Sexual health is a contentious issue around the world and ignorance about certain diseases (particularly sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV/AIDS), can cause unsafe behaviors, isolation, and premature death. The most pressing health issue today, many believe, is the education, prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS


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